Monday, May 26, 2014

WDW - ‘Rock Your Disney Side’ Recap

Cinderella’s Castle - 9/05/14
    Last Friday Magic Kingdom pulled off an all nighted that they called ‘Rock Your Disney Side’. It was a party that allowed guest to let our their inner child and show their true Disney Side. As well their was some extra entertainment including a special ‘welcome show' and the Disney villains had their fare share of the parting as well in a parade they called ‘It’s Good to Be Bad’.

   To kick off the night they had a special Welcome Show that took place on Main Street Train Station facing towards Seven Seas Lagoon! Their was performances from many of Disney character and some of the Main Street street performers. If you were not able to be there then you can catch the show here.

     As well some of Disney’s villains did not want to be left out of all of the fun! So they decided to though their own evil parade called ‘It’s Good to Be Bad’! If you missed it don’t worry you can see it here.

   So that’s it for know but be sure to check back with me later to find out more about future events and more!

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