Tuesday, August 19, 2014

WDW - Magic Kingdom Hub Expansion - 19/08/14

Current Hub Topography - 05/09/13 - by Chad Dewey
     Hey everyone it’s been a while since we last looked at the hub redevelopment at Magic Kindom and since we last talked about it quite a bit has happened. So lets go and take a look and see how it’s coming along!

    If you remember when we last spoke about it in May they were having problems keeping the water away from the construction sight and those problems have continued into July. But worked continued to progress despite the water. (here are some pictures)

    By the end of July they have successfully been able to pump out the water form the construction area and construction begins to move forward quickly as you can see here.

    Here is the latest pictures of construction sight, viewed form Tomorrowland. The expansion is scheduled to be completed sometime early 2015.

   If you are not familiar with what is happening for the expansion please check out this link.  It is one of my past post explaining what will be happening.

   That’s it for know but be sure to check back with me later for more information about anything that happens at the Disney Parks.


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