Sunday, June 8, 2014

WDW - Seven Dwarf’s Mine Coaster - 08/06/14

Seven Dwarf’s Mine Coaster - 19/5/14 - by Chad Dewey
     Since we last took a look at the Seven Dwarf’s Mine Coaster allot has happened not at the sight but rather online! Disney has released a bunch of promotional videos and even a challenge with some very exciting prizes!

     Let’s start with the proposal videos and commercials! So some of our favorite Disney channel stars decided to go and try out the ride: video 1 and video 2. As well Disney released this video of some of the guest celebrating the opening of the attraction with an acapella version of 'Heigh Ho’, which you can find here. As well here is a diagram showing some of the cool surprise hidden in the Seven Dwarf’s Mine Coaster.

     This week Disney began a 7 week long competition called “Be the 8th Miner”, each week their will be one winner how will win $500 and a special Seven Dwarf Mine Train Coaster Trading Pin. The grand prize of the 8th Mine will win a 7day and 7night vacation do Walt Disney World to meat the Dwarfs and experience the ride! To find out more about the contest and the rule please take a look at this link. If you just want to get rate to it here is the link to the challenge. (be sure to check out the Do’s and Dont’s section on the website, it located at the bottom so just scroll down to the bottom and you will find it)

    That’s it for know but stay tune for more information about the Seven Dwarf’s Mine Coaster and the competition! As well be sure to check out my other article about other Disney projects: Avatar LandShanghai Disneyland, Disney Springs and more. If you like my blog you can like/follow either my Facebook Page or my Google+ as well you can email subscribe! (you can find the email subscription box in column on the right side bar) If you would like to contact me you can reach me at!

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