Thursday, June 5, 2014

WDW - Avatar Land Update - 05/06/14

Tree of Life at Disney’s Animal Kingdom - 
May 7, 2013 - by Chad Dewey
     It’s been six months and two days since I made a post about Avatar Land and in that time quite a bit has taken place a specially in the last 2 months. Most of the activity is just leveling the land for construction but James Cameron did offer us some tidbits on what to expect.

     First lets stop in on the construction sight and see how things are coming along. So from December 2013 to March 2014 nothing really happened at the sight beside the closing of camp Minnie and Mickey and maybe a bit of leveling but most of the action took place sometime between April and May of this year. To show you what I mean take a look at these photos WDWMagic upload by Scott Keating of the construction sight. The first photo was taken sometime in May 2014 while the second was taken in April 2014. So as we can see the area has totally been cleared and leveled and it seams like they have all ready started digging foundations and some foundational supplies have arrived! Currently their are 3 construction cranes on site working on the foundations.

    My last article about Avatar Land was in December and Disney had just released some concept art, you can see the post here, but they have not said what will be in Avatar Land. Their is quite a allot of speculations going around from the concept art and some blue print that have been liked, which you can find here. The blue prints show what seams to be the a plan for a Soarin type of attraction with 4 theater areas but non of that has been confirmed by either Disney or Cameron; but earlier this week James Cameron spoke to the press about Avatar Land and he gave us an idea of what is in store:

Reported by /Film, Cameron says:

     “It’s going to have floating mountains. It’s pretty cool. I’ve seen the model and the design work the Imagineering people have done is spectacular. They’ve got a quarter inch to the foot scale model of the whole park and I’ve looked at all the sight’s not a park, it’s a land within the park but a land is not just a ride. There will be several rides and a number of other attractions. It’s really just a place you’ve gonna wanna go and hang out. It’s gonna be gorgeous. Of course it’s gonna be gorgeous at night and they’re using every new trick, every new bit of technology that they’ve created.
Expedition Everest at Animal Kingdom -
by Chad Dewey May 7, 2014

     The animatronics for the Na’vi characters are gonna be fantastic. For example, their early animatronics would use 12 axis of motion and I think the most the’ve ever done was 32 axis recently. I think they’re up to 64 just in the face of the Na’vi characters. So it’s gonna be remarkable. They really see it as a major, major attraction.”

     Avatar Land is set to open up early 2017.

     That’s it for know but stay tune for more information about Avatar Land, seeing things are starting to pick up speed! As well you can find our more information about other Disney projects such as Shanghai Disneyland, Disney Springs and more. If you like my blog you can like/follow either my Facebook Page or my Google+ as well you can email subscribe! (you can find the email subscription box in column on the right side bar) If you would like to contact me you can reach me at!

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