Friday, April 25, 2014

WDW - Seven Dwarf’s Mine Coaster - 23/04/14

Seven Dwarf’s Mine Coaster - May 10, 2013
    Hey everyone okay so I know I’m not suppose to cover the Seven Dwarf’s Mine Coaster until Monday but I just can’t wait any longer! So much has happened it’s un believable! More walls have come down, more sneak peaks, filming for the commercial and more has happened in the past three days since we last talked about it.

   Okay so where do I start? Well lest start with more construction walls coming down! It seams like every time we talk about the Seven Dwarf’s Mine Coaster more walls have been removed. So earlier this week walls came down reveling the main lift hill and part of the queue area. As well just today, or more like over night, some more walls have come down revealing the whole queue area. The only walls up are some walls behind the mountain around a service entrance and some pottered bushes that are on a rolling platform which shows that it will allow them to easily open the entrance and close it. (Another sign of a soft opening.) Here are some pictures: link 1 and link 2.

   As well on Wednesday they started taping for the commercial which is also a very good sign that they have pretty much completed the ride, all that is left are some minter touchups to be done. WDWMagic taped and took some pictures of the filming of the ride as well they took note on some interesting facts check out these to links to find out what they have found out: link 1 and link 2.

   Know when will the ride open up? Well their is no set day released but from the pictures and stuff that have happened around the 'mine' we can get a pretty good idea of when the attraction will be opening up. So let’s just take a moment analyze it and see what we can come up with: so last week I said they might be waiting for the plants to catch root, well that was just an idea but lets take a further look into that one. So when you first plant a plant it take probably a day to a few weeks before their roots system starts to grow and most of the plants have been planted for at least a two to three weeks so that is probably not a factor anymore. So all that’s left is touch ups which is strengthened by the fact that they have started taped the commercial this week. And lets say they have 2 weeks of touch up work to be done so the ride should open up in the next two to three weeks.

   Check back with me to find out more about the Seven Dwarf’s Mine Coaster.

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