Sunday, March 9, 2014

Disney Springs - March 9

Disney Spring Construction Wall - May 8, 2013 - by Chad Dewey
     The Market place causeway is starting to really take shape! The general shape of the causeway has been put in place. Here are some pictures of the construction.

     Downtown Disney is the place to go if you want to receive entertainment and a plethora of shopping stores but every though Downtown Disney boasts quite a few restaurants most of them are not quick-servos. Disney realized that and have added a few food trucks and they opened 'The Smoke House', located in front of the box office of the 'House of Blue’ restaurant.

     Some people are disappointed with the little variety of dishes that The Smoke House provides but it’s a good start. As well people are disappointed in the quality of food that you get for the price they offer, it is about $10 for a single sandwich and $13 for a single serving of ribs. WDWMagic has a full review on their website, so if you would like to check that out please click here.

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