Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Disney Springs Update - March 5

Disney Spring Construction Wall - 5/8/13 - by Chad Dewey
   Quite a bitt of things are happening at Downtown Disney. Some closers, construction update and even sneak peak into what some of the new stuff will look like!

   First thing on our list is Polly Campero this restraint will be removed and demolished later this month, for the addition of Disney Springs.

   WDWMagic just released a before and after picture of what a section of West Side will look like! They will be added ing a New York City ‘High Line’ inspired elevated structure it will proved shade and a nice view area for the guests. Constructions was are already up and construction will begin soon. Here are the before and after pictures. 

   As well some concept are has been released of what the parking garages will look like! The parking garage will be covered with perforated metal over metal fins and it will have louver panels and planter boxes. We can tell Disney is bring their creative side to every expect of this expansion! Here are some pictures of what it will look like.

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