Sunday, March 2, 2014

Disney Springs - March 2, 2014

Disney Spring Construction Wall - 5/8/13 - by Chad Dewey
    Some more construction area's popping up in and around   the Downtown Disney area in the last few weeks. 

    One of those area’s being construction on the new bridge that will be connecting Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa to Downtown Disney's Market Place is well underway. When completed it will allow guys to walk from the resort and arrive on the original path the runs along side the end of Market Place. Here are some pictures of the construction.

     As well West Side will be receiving a make overs, so that it blends in with the Disney Springs expansion. Disney Quest already received it’s make over a couple of months back and know D Street has just received it’s make over: a new paint job and sign. It now has more of an urban look. Here are some pictures of what it looks like.

   One of the newest construction area is located near Hess Gas Station. They have cleared away the trees and construction equipment is on site. Their is no information as of yet on what it’s for but rumours are that it will be one of four ramps that will be built for Disney Springs. As well a retention pond has been expanded and they are laying down large water pipes to bring more water into Disney Springs.

   So that is it for know but their is still allot more construction to come! Be sure to check back with me!

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