Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Disney Springs - Feb 19

Disney Spring Construction Wall - May 8, 2013 - by Chad Dewey

   Downtown Disney is definitely getting it share of construction! The West Side parking garage has all of it’s first floor vertical columns in place and they are getting ready to start placing the first horizontal beams for the second floor. It is expected to be opening up late 2014 to early 2015. It will be the first parking garage out of the two that will open. The second being the Market Place parking garage which will start construction next year!

   As well West Side’s Starbucks is well under way! The frame of the building is completed and they have started to add some walls in the interior of the building. It seams like they are fallowing the concept art very closely! Here are some pictures of construction. 

    Do to the construction of the Market Place’s causeway Market Pace water taxi dock has been closed. Port Orleans on the Sassagoula River Cruise will only stop at Pleasure Island dock and Old Key West and Saratoga Springs river cruises will only stop at West Side. As well Downtown Disney’s water taxi’s will only operate between West Side and Pleasure Island docks. Until the opening of Disney Springs.

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