Saturday, October 11, 2014

WDW - Disney Springs Update - 11/10/14

Disney Spring Construction Wall - May 8, 2013 - by Chad Dewey
     Disney Springs expansion is really starting to take shape know. From The Boat House to the parking garages and more. It seams like things should start opening up soon.

     The Boat House is really taking shape know. The skeleton of the building has been completed and the roof seams to be finish, except for a paint job most likely. Furthermore walls are nearly ready to be put up and what seams to be the like large window frames are in place. These window frames are probably just structural components that will help hold up some of the weight of the roof and floors.

     Between The Boat House and Paradiso 37 is a new waterside bar that extended out over the water on a dock. This new lounge will be called The Hanger and it is set to open up sometime in 2015. Here are some picture of the The Hanger construction sight and you can see what The Boat House looks like as well.

     Two new kiosk will be coming to the plaza in front of Fulton’s. Set the Bar will be offering cocktails and Subline will be offering gifts and finds. Along with the big expansions small kiosks similar to theses two are set to upon up. This will allow third party business two provide unique items to be sold. Which in turn will allow a wide range of products and refreshments that will be offered. Here are some pictures of what they look like.

Downtown Disney - May 8, 2014 - by Chad Dewey
     The high line in front of Westside Starbucks has been adorned with overhanging plants and other foliage. Underneath the structure has been embellished with some gardens and a tree. Here are some pictures.

     The Marketplace Causeways is also really starting to come together. The concrete deck of the causeway has been finished and know work has begin on applying the decorative brick work onto the pillars. Here are some pictures of the construction sight.

     Work on the parking garages and bridge are really starting to come together. The entry and exit ramps are in the middle of being constructed, in addition to the overpass across Buena Vista Drive. That will eventually connect to I-4. Here are some pictures.

       Thats it for know at Disney Springs but as deadlines are approaching exciting times are coming to Disney Springs so be sure to check back with me later. As well for any other information about other Disney projects! Please be sure to like/follow on Google+ or Facebook and you can email subscribe as well. If you would like to contact me you can reach me at Thank you for your support. 

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