Sunday, February 16, 2014

Magic Kingdom - February 2014

Cinderella’s Castle - 04/29/13 - by Chad Dewey
     Quite a bit has happened and is happening at The Magic Kingdom. Beside all of the work that is happening at the Seven Dwarfs Mine Coaster, there has been allot of refurbishment work done around the park.

     One of the biggest changes is happening on Main Street U.S.A. they are replacing all of the walkways  and removing the curbs to make it more pedestrian friendly. Some of the work has all ready been done around Emporium and Main Street Confectionary.

   And a section of the walkways between Frontierland and Liberty Square are being reconfigured. Disney has not reveled their plans for the reconfigured sidewalk yet.

    The walk ways in front of Casey's Corner are being reworked to be more stream line and be more efficient and moving guest threw them. As well the outdoor seating area is going to be expanded. This will be done in phase, the first phase will be completed late this month. 

   In Tomorrowland 'PUSH The Talking Trash Can' will no long be be preforming! His last performance was on February 8.

    A second Ferry Boat dock is being added to the Trans and Ticket Center. This boat dock will allow guests to load and unload from two fairies boat at the same time! This will dramatically increase the efficiently of the transportation system and should decrease wait time. It should open up for the Spring busy season.

   Will on the topic of Disney Transportation Disney Blog just released a post about the history of the IV Monorails that are at Walt Disney World. Here is the post.

     So that is it for The Magic Kingdom for know, beside all the exciting stuff that is happening in New Fantasyland(check out my latest post about the Seven Dwarfs Mine Coaster), so check back with us in March for the next The Magic Kingdom monthly update!

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