Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Magic Kingdom - Feb. 26, 2014

Cinderella’s Castle - 04/29/13 - by Chad Dewey
   Quite a bit is happening at Magic Kingdom since the last time we took a look at the park! Some big changes are coming to Main Street and the "Wheel" in front of Cinderella’s Castle, as well as quick FastPass+ update and more!

    Okay so what is happening on Main Street exactly? Well to be exact it is being expanded! How you ask? Well the “Wheel” (is the name of the walk way area in front of Cinderella’s Castle it is also known as the hub) will be equipped with a outer walkway ring, as well as some new firework and parade viewing areas and some new landscaping!

    So with the addition of the second ring walk way there will be parts of the castle moat that will be cover(but not all of it will be removed) and there will be landscaping that will also be removed. But like I said above the current landscaping will be replaced with some new topography. Some of the topography that will be added, will including: topiary and fountains. As well there will be a areas that will be furnished with fake grass, which will alway promise pristine looking grass. As well these area will be used as FastPass+ viewing areas. This was never possible before because the real grass would wear out which would lead to bald patches.  As well their will a separate walkway that will connect to the Main Street Bypass, (a path that was announced about 6 months ago, which is still under construction it will allow guests to skip the busy Main Street and will help with congestions). This path runs parallel with Main Street.

    Construction has began on the first phase of the expansion. The construction zones are in front of Casey’s Corner and the Plaza restaurant. As well the moat has been drained. (like I said above the moat will not be completely removed only part of it will be covered) This is all being done to hopefully
Current Hub Topography - 05/09/14 - by Chad Dewey
salve the congestions problems that park experience so often.

   Is is all speculation! Like normally plans can change all the time! So please treat this like a rummer! But just to give you an idea of what it will look like here is a before and after render: special thanks to WDWMagic's forum member Mark Twain for making the render as well as for WDWMagic for sharing it with us.

   Wow that’s allot happening to the Main Street area right but that’s not it do you remember a little while  back  I  mention  that  Casey’s  Corner  was expanding their out door seating area(which is still
Casey’s Corner - 04/29/14 - by Chad Dewey
under construction) but they have also done some changes to the indoor restaurant area. They have removed the wooden bleachers and the movie screens and have expanded the seating area. The entrance and the exit on the outside corner of the building will remain. For those people that use it as a short cut will find it more congested, which will lead to stopping them from using it as a short cut which maybe purposeful. Here are some pictures of what the inside looks like.

   So know for some general Walt Disney World theme park news. Disney will be adding Braille to all of the menus within the theme park restaurants, to add those with  impaired vision. As well FastPass+ updates have been added to all of the Walt Disney World theme park maps. Here is a link to a photo gallery of what the new maps look like.

   So that’s it for know at the Magic Kingdom but be sure to check back with me to find out what is happening next!

All rights reserved for the images above to WDWRNew’s and Chad Dewey

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